Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Yes, the socks STILL aren't done, I know, I'm a slacker.  BUT, I'm also in a foreign country, so I'm going to use that as an excuse.

During my second week here, I made Bank (my travel buddy) go to Wolle Rodel with me.  Mostly because I wanted to check it out, I didn't have any real idea of buying anything.  But Bank thought that knitting was so cool "if it wasn't so effeminate I'd totally pick it up" he says.  Even though I tried convincing him that guys knit too, he wouldn't listen.  But instead commissioned a hat.  Out of Alpaca.  He bought the yarn and said "I want a hat from this."

I GOT TO WORK WITH ALPACA!!!!!  Oooohh, it's so pretty!!!!!!  I love love love love LOVE it.

So, Bank's hat was made in a week.  Here's a picture (on me, not on him yet, but I'm sure one will be coming up later)

I cast on a little too loose, so it's not quite as snug as it should be.  (And I just realized how absolutely horrible my stitches are close up... Maybe pictures are a bad idea...)  But Bank is so happy with it, so that's good.

In other news: I bought yarn ( a while ago) with the colorway "Vera" from Firefly.  "It's my very favorite gun." Yep.  That Vera.  It's Grey and Black-ish with Yellow.  I started making a hat out of it while I was here (this was before Bank's commission) and realized that it would look pretty good on me, so a "receiver" was born.  Then I realized that I'm in Germany and it's going to get cold and I forgot my coat.  Which means that I also forgot my hat, scarves and gloves.  Which means I get to knit myself a whole new set.  I thought "matching winter accessories could be fun" and headed back to Wolle Rodel to see what I could find.  I selected a yellow for some gloves and brought it back, thinking "ok, it's not exact, but it should be close."  When I compared them this morning, they were SPOT ON.
I was absolutely amazed with my color-finding talent.  =D  I'll show pictures later, when I have time... For now, I have to get to my Deutsch class.


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