Sunday, May 31, 2009

Socky-sockersons =)

Got one of the socks done. =) Went with the simpler pattern because it was, well, simpler. It turned out pretty well, I'll have to remember to take pictures. Mom laughed at me, said it was a very "grandma" thing to do. ::shrug:: oh well... Though, having your mother call you a "grandma" is a but unnerving ;-)

Watchin' NCIS and starting on sock 2. =)

Life is good.

Friday, May 29, 2009

project "update"...

So, I've been following a comic artist lately, and yesterday he posted this one
It's pretty awesome, not gonna lie =)

Bought new yarn and started a new pattern yesterday. =) I'm mildly obsessed with socks... =) I don't have anyone to give these to, yet, but I might just keep them for myself... Also, I'm pretty sure that this pattern is too complicated for this yarn, so I might just frog it and start over with something a bit simpler...


Ok, time to work now. I can knit during my lunch break.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

No knitting lately =/

Argh! Finals are keeping me from knitting!

This is so disappointing.

THANKFULLY, I have a trip to Iowa coming up soon, during which I intend on making the wedding presents for the wonderful people who are the reason that I'm going to Iowa in the first place.

That was a very long sentence... I'm giving up. Back to studying and packing... ew.