The only major problem here is that I have NO room to have this much yarn. My entire life at the moment is crammed into a 12' x 14' room... Yay for still being a college student, eh? And I have a sneaking suspicion that when I go home, my mom will infiltrate my stash... ::sigh:: That just means I'll have to do a LOT of knitting before school's up. 6 weeks and counting... =D I have at least two pairs of socks due then, and possibly a hat. We'll see...
I think I need to make another list of promised/started items...
- Annie's Socks
- Jeremy's Socks
- Rina's Socks
- Jeremy's Hat
- Ellie's Hat
- G-Baby's Socks
- Zack's hat/scarf
- Courtney's gloves (second sock syndrome on that one... finished the first one and the needles and yarn are just glaring at me because i haven't cast on the second one yet...)
- My Magical Felted Bag (started it, ran out of yarn, found more yarn, re-started it.... still working on it... It was going to be for my spoilee in the DiA Swap, but now I think I might just keep working on it, make it bigger, and keep it... Considering I don't want to give her something that's demented and I'm pretty sure I messed up the bottom of the bag... oy.)
- James's Scarf (Started it, got distracted, not sure if I should scrap it and start over or keep plugging on...)
I would totally quit school and knit for a year if I could... =) But I think it's better (being as close to DONE as I am) to just finish the degree and knit while I'm looking for a job... =)
ALSO, I need to stop "donating" items to people... I started an Etsy account for a reason... I should make people use it... But that feels so cruel... How can I ask someone for money?? Granted, they ask me to make them things and yarn is not free... ::sigh:: Yeah, I guess that if I do decide to help support myself by knitting, I'm going to have to not be so nice when it comes to receiving compensation for my time and yarn that I've put into their items... That's not going to be easy...
OK. On to more knitting!!! =D